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young lady 小姐。

young man

Bingley you young ladies are so accomplished 像你們這樣的年輕女士總是多才多藝的

Whatever you do is our business , young lady . . 不管你做什么都和我有關年輕人. .

Young lady , i missed my chance to see florida . . 當我象scott這樣的年紀的時候. .

She was a young lady of some genius, exquisite sympathies, and considerable literary attainments, living, like many other genius, with relatives who could not comprehend her . 她是一個有些才能的少女,多愁善感,還有相當好的文學修養,可也象其他許多天才一樣,生活在一些不能了解她的親屬中間。

Well, we must look out for a suitable match for him, i shall go through debrett carefully to-night and draw out a list of all the eligible young ladies . 嗯,那么我們必須給他找個合適的配偶才好,我今晚要到德布雷特去仔細觀察一下,把合格的年輕姑娘列個表。

During the period of her engagement a young lady even of the most slender pretensions counts upon more bouquets than at other times . 在她訂婚的日子里一個哪怕是最不善做作的姑娘也比在其他日子里期望更多的鮮花。

After a while, his mother decided to hold another ball, in the hope that the unknown young lady would once more appear . 過了一段時間,他母親決定再舉行一次舞會,希望那位不知姓名的年輕小姐能夠再次光臨。

If any young lady had so much arrogance as to counterfeit a negative, she never had the opportunity given her of denying twice . 假使一位年輕姑娘居然很驕傲地假裝拒絕一下,她決不會再有拒絕人家的機會。

I knew a young lady of the last “romantic“ generation who after some years of an enigmatic passion for a gentleman . 我還認識一個女孩子,也是屬于過去的“浪漫派”一代的,她對于一位先生暗暗愛了好幾年。

But i thought her a young lady of extraordinary attractions, and in point of gentility not be surpassed . 但是我卻認為,她是一個特別有動人之處的青年小姐,在風度方面,別人很難勝過她。

They were so thrilled and delighted that they flung away any pretence of being demure young ladies and rushed out of the house . 她們驚喜若狂,因此一掃少女往常的矜持,沖出屋子。

In vain did she entreat him to stand up with somebody else, and offer to introduce him to any young lady in the room . 她要求他跟別人去跳,并且答應給他介紹一位小姐,可是他不肯。

He trotted toward the young lady in the doorway, slowly setting his tail in motion as he went . 它趕緊邁著碎步,向佇立在門口的年輕女子跑去,一邊跑一邊還慢吞吞搖擺著尾巴。

Now you are so tall, and turn up your hair, you should remember that you are a young lady . 如今,你個子長得這么高,還梳了發髻,應該記住,你已經是一個大姑娘了。

Some vague report had reached her before of my attachment to some young lady in devonshire . 在這以前她已經隱約聽到了一些消息,說我在德文郡和一位年輕女士相好。

This young lady indeed, to do her justice, was but little addicted to the use of conventional terms . 確實應該說句公道話,這位年輕小姐對那些陳詞濫調很少好感。

Many a young lady went to bed that night with her head full of happy cares as well as fanny . 不少姑娘和范妮一樣,當晚就寢的時候心里都在作著各種快樂的考慮。

As he passed behind the counter, he took notice that the elderly gentlemen talked to the young lady . 當他踱到柜臺后面的時候,他看見老紳士望著年輕姑娘說話。

I am sending you the photograph of a very fine young lady named sumiko who would marry you . 我送你相片一張,相片上的姑娘名叫澄子,十分美貌,愿意嫁你為妻。